
The Mapwize JS SDK allows you to add indoor maps and wayfinding in your website or web apps. After your map has been created in Mapwize Studio, you can use this SDK to display the map and let the user interact with it.

This SDK only comes with the core MapView and API and is intended for the advanced Mapwize integrations. For a first integration of Mapwize in your project, please consider Mapwize UI.

Open-source Mapwize UI

If you are looking for a fully featured and ready to use View to add Mapwize Indoor Maps and Navigation in your web app, have a look at Mapwize UI. This open-source project enriches the core SDK with interfaces for search and directions, that you can use as is or modify to your taste.

We are ourselves using Mapwize UI to build

Browser support

The SDK is tested against the following browsers:

IE 11 is not supported anymore since version 4.5.0

A check for browser compatibility is performed when the map is loading. By default the loading will fail if the browser is not part of this list. You can disable this check by adding the option ignoreBrowserSupported: true in the map options. The function Mapwize.isBrowserSupported() is available to manually check for browser support.

Install Mapwize

You can install Mapwize in your web project using NPM:

npm install mapwize

You can also download mapwize.js directly from your favourite CDN like, or use the CDN url directly in your HTML page:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

The package is exposed as Mapwize.

Setup your API key

You'll need a Mapwize API key to load the plugin and allow API requests. Setup your API key by calling:


To get your own Mapwize API key, sign up for a free account at Then within the Mapwize Studio, navigate to "API Keys" on the side menu.

Mapwize demo keys are available for testing in the demo projects. Please note they cannot be used in production.

Configuring the outdoor map

Mapwize.js is using the Mapbox to render the outdoor map. There are 2 options regarding the outdoor:{
    mapboxToken: 'pk.XXXXXXXXX', // Replace with your own mapbox token
    style: 'mapbox://styles/XXXXXX/XXXXX', // Replace with your own mapbox style

You can get your own style and token by signing up at

If those options are not provided, the default Mapwize style is loaded automatically.

Display the Mapwize map

The simplest way to display a Mapwize map:

        <script type="text/javascript" src="mapwize.js"></script>
            #mapwize {
                height: 500px;
        <div id="mapwize"></div>
                container: 'mapwize',
                .then((map) => {
                    // Mapwize map is now ready to be used
                .catch((err) => {
                    // Something bad happened during Mapwize loading

There has to be a div for where the map is going to go. This div can have a css style like for example

#myMapId {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

for a full screen display. Pay attention to have <div id="myMapId"></div> and not <div id="myMapId"/> as the second case will NOT work.

The map view will display:

Map constructor

Options can be passed to the map when created
 * options: The options for the map (see further for all possible options)

All Mapbox options can be found here:

Possible Mapwize options:

Both Mapbox and Mapwize options can be used in the same options object.

Limit the visible area

The area the user can browse can be limited to a given bound. To do so, use the Mapbox map options maxBounds and minZoom at initialization of the map. Example:

External IDs

Using external IDs is the best way to reference objects in your code. External IDs can be defined in Mapwize Studio for Venues and Places. With external IDs, you can easily change map content on the Studio side while avoiding any change in your code, for example promoting a beta venue to production. You can also specify multiple external IDs for a single object.

All methods that use an "ID" can take either an external ID or a Mapwize ID. But please note that Mapwize IDs are randomly generated and that the IDs will change in case of object copy or clone.

Mapwize initialization

External IDs can be used in centerOnVenueId, centerOnPlaceId, restrictContentToVenueId, restrictContentToVenueIds, restrictContentToOrganizationId options.

// Restrict content to organization
Mapwize.apiKey( "YOUR_API_KEY" );
let options = {
    container: "map",
    restrictContentToOrganizationId = "MyOrganization",
    centerOnPlaceId = "MyOrganization>>MyVenue>>MyPlace"
} map => {
    // Map is ready
// Restrict content to multiple venue and center on a Venue
Mapwize.apiKey( "YOUR_API_KEY" );
let options = {
    container: "map",
    restrictContentToVenueIds = ["MyOrganization>>MyVenue","MyOrganization>>MyOtherVenue"],
    centerOnPlaceId = "MyOrganization>>MyVenue>>MyPlace",
} map => {
    // Map is ready
// Restrict content to one Venue and center on a Place
Mapwize.apiKey( "YOUR_API_KEY" );
let options = {
    container: "map",
    restrictContentToVenueId = "MyOrganization>>MyVenue",
    centerOnPlaceId = "MyOrganization>>MyVenue>>MyPlace",
} map => {
    // Map is ready

Retrieving information

The Mapwize.Api methods getPlaceDetails and getVenueDetails can take an external ID as parameter. It allows you to retrieve information about Venues and Places



Setting places style

The method setPlaceStyles can take external IDs as key.

setPlaceStyles(styles): Promise

Center the map

Center on coordinates

You can center the map on given coordinates defined by

You can give the center and zoom options at creation time:

You can also use the flyTo, jumpTo or easeTo methods to move the map.

map.flyTo([longitude, latitude], eventData)

Center on venue

You can center the map on a venue by calling centerOnVenue.
Venue objects can be retrieved using the Mapwize.Api.getVenue('venueId').then(venue => {}) method.

centerOnVenue (venue, options, fn)


Center on place

You can center the map on a given place by calling centerOnPlace. The floor is automatically selected based on the place. Place objects can be retrieved using the Mapwize.Api.getPlace method.

centerOnPlace (place, options, fn)


Fit a given area

You can set the map so that a given bound is completely displayed. This takes the margins into account.

        [-74.227, 40.712],
        [-74.125, 40.774],
    [options, [eventData]]


Venues usually have multiple floors.


Get the displayed floor

var floor = map.getFloor() // Return the floor of displayed venue else return null
var floor = map.getFloorForVenue(venueId) // Return the active floor of targeted venue

Get the list of floors for the current venue.

var floors = map.getFloors() // Returns the floors of the displayed venue as an array else returns empty array
var floors = map.getFloorsForVenue(venueId) // returns the floors of the specified venue as an array


Set the floor to be displayed

map.setFloor(floor[, eventParams]); // Set floor for the displayed venue (floor must be a float or null)
map.setFloorForVenue(floor, venueId[, eventParams]); // Set the floor that will be used when entering the specified venue

eventParams is an optional object that is added to mapwize:floorchange event data

Selecting a place

You can use the selection mechanism to highlight one place. This is the standard behavior that you would expect when you click on the map for instance. The selection will add a pin, highlight the title of the place and add a colorful boundary.

A selected place will always be displayed above all others. Only one place can be selected at a time. Selecting a new place will unselect the previous one. Invisible places can also be selected and they will then appear.

map.selectPlace(placeId|placeObject) : Promise // Selects the place and potentially unselects the previouly selected place
map.unselectPlace() : Promise // Selects the place and potentially unselects the previouly selected place

Promoting places

By default, places are displayed (or not) based on their isVisible attributes. Their display order is based on their order property. It is possible to modify the default behavior using the following methods.

You can promote places so they will be displayed on top of any other. The order in which promoted places are displayed is set by the order in the promotePlaces list. Please note that:

All of the promote methods return promises

map.promotePlace(placeId|placeObject) : Promise // Add a single place to the promoted list
map.promotePlaces([placeId|placeObject]) : Promise // Add multiple places to the promoted list
map.unpromotePlace(placeId|placeObject) : Promise // Remove single place from the promoted list
map.unpromotePlaces([placeId|placeObject]) : Promise // Remove multiple places from the promoted list
map.removePromotePlaces(venueId) : Promise // Remove all the places from the promoted list for this venue

Display directions

You can display directions on the map, either between 2 points or through a list of waypoints, as long as all the points are in the same venue.

You can get the directions first using the API and then display all or portion of the directions using:

    from: {},
    to: {},
    waypoints: [],
    options: {},
}).then((direction) => map.setDirection(direction))

The from parameter is required and is an objects which can have the following properties:

    placeId: string (the Id of a place. If used, latitude/longitude/floor/venueId are ignored)
    latitude: number (if used, all latitude/longitude/floor are required)
    longitude: number (if used, all latitude/longitude/floor are required)
    floor: number (if used, all latitude/longitude/floor are required)
    venueId: string (the Id of the venue the latitude/longitude is in. Only required if the venue cannot be inferred from the to and the waypoints)

The to parameter is required. It can be an object, with the same structure as the From, so the destination is fixed. It can also be an array, and in that case, the closest destination is used. It can also be an object refering to a placeList, and in that case the closest place of the list if used:

    placeListId: string (the Id of a placeList)

For the waypoints, you can specify an array with objects with the same structure as the From.

The options parameter is an object supporting the following properties:

    waypointOptimize: boolean (if set to true, the order of the waypoints is optimized to minimize the total time of the directions. Default is false)

Directions is an object containing the following properties:

    from: from object as above,
    to: to object as above,
    distance: total distance in meters,
    traveltime: total time in seconds,
    bounds: bounds containing the total route,
    route: [ a list of paths on different floors
        floor: the floor number of the route
        path: the list of coordinates on the way points
        distance: the distance of the route in meter
        bounds: the bounds of the route
        isStart: if the route of the first one
        isEnd: if the route is the last one
        fromFloor: the floor of the route before
        toFloor: the floor of the route after
        connectorTypeTo: the type of connector used to go to the next floor
        connectorTypeFrom: the type of connector used to come from the previous floor
    waypoints: list of waypoints, ordered,
    subdirections: directions object with the same structure as the parent for each step between waypoints.

To remove the directions from the map, use the method removeDirection


User position

Setting the user position

You can manually set the user position by using the setUserLocation method:

    latitude: 40.712,
    longitude: -74.227,
    floor: 2,

Mapwize is not able to define the user location by itself, so you need to implement the indoor location by yourself or by using the open-source framework.

If the followUserMode is enabled, then this methods will have as consequence to move the map. Otherwize, only the user position dot will be moved.

Follow user mode

The follow user mode allows to have the map moving and/or rotating as the position is updated.
You can manage the followUserMode using the following commands:


Center map on user position

To center the map on the current user position, you can use the centerOnUser method.


Get user position

You can get the current user position using the method


The returned object has the following properties:

    latitude: the latitude
    longitude: the longitude
    floor: the floor (null if ouside a building or unknown)

User heading

When the device can provide the user's heading, the SDK is using it to display the heading on the map and allow the map to rotate with the user using the followUserMode.

You can disable this feature by setting userHeading to false in the map options.

You can get the user heading using the map.getUserHeading() method or by listening to the mapwize:userheadingchange event.

Parse a mapwize URL


The promise returns an error (if any) and the parsed object in the following format

    venue: the venue object to which the url relates.
    universe: the universe object if the ?u parameter is specified in the url
    language: the language code if the ?l parameter is specified in the url
    accessKey: the accessKey if the ?k parameter is specified in the url.
    floor: the value of the floor if specified in the url, or the floor of the place, or the start floor of the direction
    zoom: the zoom if ?z parameter is specified
    userPosition: a user position object with lat lon floor if the url is a beacon, or if the direction starts from the beacon
    from: object with the origin of the direction if direction url starting from the place.
    to: object with the venue, place or placelist for related urls or the destination of the direction.
    direction: direction object if it's a direction url, or null
    bounds: the bounds that should be set to the map to properly display the url


    .then((parsedUrl) => {
        // Do something with parsedUrl
    .catch((err) => {


Adding marker

You can add markers on the map to show a position of interest.

To add a marker, use the function

    .then((marker) => {
        // do something or store marker reference
    .catch((err) => {
        // Error, if any
// OR
    .then((marker) => {
        // do something or store marker reference
    .catch((err) => {
        // Error, if any

where position is an object with the following properties (with same priority order):

    latitude: number
    longitude: number
    floor: number (can be null)

To use your own marker style, use the optional customMarker attribute. It must be a mapbox marker object.


const el = document.createElement('div');
el.className = 'marker my-custom-marker';
el.addEventListener('click', () => {
    // Listen click on your custom marker

const myCustomMarker = new Mapwize.Marker(el);

    latitude:  40.712,
    longitude: -74.227,
    floor:  2,
}, myCustomMarker).then((marker => {
    // Marker as been added on map
}).catch(err => {
    return  console.error('addMarker failed', err);

Marker click

The event mapwize:click is fired when a marker is clicked (read more about mapwize:click event in below event section)

map.on('mapwize:click', (e) => {
    console.log('marker: ' + e.marker)

Remove marker

Remove one marker

To remove only one marker, use the function


marker is returned by addMarker promise

Remove all markers

To remove all the markers at once, use the function


Listen for events

The map will emit various events you can listen to.

All Mapbox events are triggered as usual. Feel free to use them.

Mapwize specific events are also triggered.


Fired when the Mapwize plugin is ready to be used. Any call to the plugin before this event might generate errors.

map.on('mapwize:ready', () => {
    console.log('Mapwize is ready')

Loading error

Fired when the Mapwize plugin gets an error during the initialization phase

This error is critical and blocks data loading. Map will be blank.

map.on('mapwize:loaderror', (e) => {
    console.log('There was an error during Mapwize loading', e)


Fired when the user clicks (or taps) the map, a marker, a place or a venue icon.

map.on('mapwize:click', (e) => {

Where e is an object with the following properties:

    marker: marker object (can be null)
    place: place object (can be null)
    venue: venue object (can be null)
    lnglat: lnglatlike
    floor: number (can be null)

Floor change

Fired when the currently viewed floor is changed.

map.on('mapwize:floorchange', (e) => {
    console.log('Floor changed to ' + e.floor)

Floors change

Fired when the list of available floors at the currently viewed location is changed.

map.on('mapwize:floorschange', (e) => {
    console.log('Available floors at currently viewed location changed to ' + e.floors)

Margins change

Fired when the map margins have changed

map.on('mapwize:marginschange', (e) => {
    console.log('margins: ' + e.margins)

Direction events

Direction start

Fired when a direction has just started

map.on('mapwize:directionstart', (e) => {
    console.log('directionstart: ', e)

Direction stop

Fired when direction has stopped

map.on('mapwize:directionstop', (e) => {

User position change

Fired when the user position has changed.

map.on('mapwize:userpositionchange', (e) => {
    console.log('User position changed to ' + e.userPosition)

User heading change

Fired when the user heading has changed.

map.on('mapwize:userheadingchange', (e) => {
    console.log('User heading changed to ' + e.userHeading)

Venue will enter and venue enter

mapwize:venuewillenter is fired when map enters in venue and starts loading venue data
mapwize:venueenter is fired when venue is fully loaded and displayed on map
mapwize:venueentererror is fired if an error is encountered during venue load

map.on('mapwize:venuewillenter', (venue) => {
    console.log('Venue will enter: ' + venue)
map.on('mapwize:venueenter', (venue) => {
    console.log('Venue entered: ' + venue)
map.on('mapwize:venueentererror', (error) => {
    console.log('Venue enter failed: ' + error)

Venue refresh

Fired when displayed venue is refreshed (due to map.refresh() or granting access)

map.on('mapwize:venuerefresh', (venue) => {
    console.log('Venue refreshed: ' + venue)

Venue exit

Fired when leaving the venue that was previously entered

map.on('mapwize:venueexit', (venue) => {
    console.log('Venue exited: ' + venue)

Private venues

To be able to access the map of private venues, you need to use an API key or an Access key with read permissions.

The simplest solution is to give permissions to your API key. Permissions can be given in Mapwize Studio.

If you need to be able to add access dynamically to each user session, you will need to use access keys. You can create access keys in Mapwize Studio. Please note that if you ue access keys, a user cookie session need to be used by the SDK. TO grant access using an access key, use the grantAccess method.

    .then(() => {
        // NO error, key is valid
    .catch((err) => {
        // ERROR, key is not valid

Custom main color

By default, Mapwize's color is used for the following elements of the interface:

To use your own color, simply set the mainColor parameter in the map options. The color has to be a string with a valid CSS color like blue or #00FF00.

    container: 'myMapId',
    mainColor: 'blue',


It often happens that part of the map is hidden by banners or controls on the top or on the bottom. For example, if you display a banner to show the details of the place you just clicked on, it's better to display the banner on top of the map than having to resize the map.

However, you want to make sure that the Mapwize controls are always visible, like the followUserMode button and the floor selector. Also, that if you make a fitBounds, the area will be completely in the visible part of the map.

For this purpose, you can set a top and a bottom margin on the map. We garantee that nothing important will be displayed in those margin areas.

To set the margins, you can pass them in pixels when you intialize the map:

    container: 'myMapId',
    marginTop: 50,
    marginBottom: 50,
    marginRight: 50,
    marginLeft: 50,

Or you can change them at runtime


Modify Place Style

The style of a place can be modifyed directly within the SDK and can then override the style sent by the server. This is the best way to make changes in real-time on the map as it does not require to contact the Mapwize servers. For example, this can be used to display the availability of a meeting room.

If you want to change the style of many places, setPlacesStyle will be more efficient.


To set the style of a single place:

map.setPlaceStyle(place, style)

where place is a place object or place id
where style is an object with the format:

    markerUrl: string (An url to the icon of the marker. Must be an image, ideally png, square, 100*100 pixels)
    strokeColor: string (The color of the shape border as #hex)
    strokeOpacity: number (The opacity of the border, between 0 and 1)
    strokeWidth: number (The width of the border)
    fillColor: string (The color of the inside of the shape as #hex)
    fillOpacity: number (The opacity of the inside, between 0 and 1)
    markerVisible: boolean
    polygonVisible: boolean


    markerUrl: '',
    strokeColor: '#C51586',
    strokeOpacity: 1,
    strokeWidth: 2,
    fillColor: '#FFFFFF',
    fillOpacity: 0.3,
    markerVisible: true,
    polygonVisible: true

Note that if a parameter is null, the value defined on the server will be used.


To set the style of multiple places at once:


where styles is an object with the format:

    'place id': { /* style object, see setPlaceStyle method */ },
    'place id': { /* style object, see setPlaceStyle method */ },

Data sources

For advanced users, there is a now a possibility to specify how the SDK should get data from Mapwize servers.
Two different options are available: Mapwize.Api and Mapwize.Cache

Mapwize.Api simply does a request to the server when data is needed.
Mapwize.Cache uses local storage to cache requests. Local data is returned if the request has been done in the last few minutes, otherwise calls Mapwize.Api.

By default Mapwize.Api is used by the SDK

Mapwize.config.CACHE_DURATION = 10 // To change local storage validity, in minutes (default is 5)
    container: 'myMapId',
    dataSource: Mapwize.Cache,

Enterprise customer with specific needs related to this topic can contact the support.

Multilingual venues

Venues can support multiple languages.
By default, venues are displayed in their default language configured on the backend-side.
Using the function


it is possible to set the preferred language of the user. If a venue supports the preferred language, it will be displayed in that language.
Otherwise, it will be displayed in the default language.
Languages are defined using 2 letter codes like 'en', 'fr', ...
Setting the preferred language to null displays all venues in their default language.

Working with universes

Defining multiple universes for a venue let you show different views with different permission levels. By default, the first universe which the user has access to is displayed.

Set universe for venue

Tu display a specific universe for a venue, set it with the setUniverseForVenue method

map.setUniverseForVenue(universeId, venueId)

This automaticaly refreshes the map if needed.

Get universe for venue

To know wich universe is set for a venue use getUniverseForVenue method

var universe = map.getUniverseForVenue(venueId)

returns the universe or null if no universe was previously set.


You can access the Mapwize API with the SDK by using Mapwize.Api.



Mapwize.Api.getVenue('aValidVenueId').then((venue) => {


Get a list of venues

    pick: (Array[String], optional) list of the fields returned by the api, by default all fields are returned
    names: (Array[String], optional) search by a list of names
    name: (String, optional) search by name
    alias: (String, optional) search by alias
    organizationId: (String, optionnal) filter by organization
    isPublished: (Boolean, optional) true|false|all

    // filter by latitude, you should use both together
    latitudeMin: (Number, optional)
    latitudeMax: (Number, optional)

    // filter by longitude, you should use both together
    longitudeMin: (Number, optional)
    longitudeMax: (Number, optional)
// with empty options
Mapwize.Api.getVenues({}).then((venues) => {
    // venues contain all venues you can access

// In defined area
    latitudeMin: 0,
    latitudeMax: 1,
    longitudeMin: 0,
    longitudeMax: 1,
}).then((venues) => {
    // venues contain all venues in the defined area



// Using venue id
Mapwize.Api.getPlace('aValidPlaceId').then((place) => {


Get a list of places

    pick: (Array[String], optional) list of the fields returned by the api, by default all fields are returned
    organizationId: (String, optional) filter by organization
    venueId: (String, optional) filter by venue
    venueAlias: (String, optional) filter by venue
    universeId: (String, optional) filter by universe
    name: (String, optional) filter by name
    alias: (String, optional) filter by alias
    placeTypeId: (String, optional) filter by place type
    floor: (Number, optional) filter by floor, places on floor null are always returned

    search: (String, optional) search in name and translations
    sort: (String, optional) sort result by defined field. Default: `order` field

    isSearchable: (Boolean, optional)
    isClickable: (Boolean, optional)
    isVisible: (Boolean, optional)
    isPublished: (Boolean, optional) true|false|all

    // filter by latitude, you should use both together
    latitudeMin: (Number, optional)
    latitudeMax: (Number, optional)
    // filter by longitude, you should use both together
    longitudeMin: (Number, optional)
    longitudeMax: (Number, optional)

    page: (Number, optional) Default: 0
    pageSize: (Number, optional) Default: 10000

    data.*: (Any, optional) filter result by custom data field
// with empty options
Mapwize.Api.getPlaces({}).then((places) => {
    // places contain all places you can access
// In defined area
    latitudeMin: 0,
    latitudeMax: 1,
    longitudeMin: 0,
    longitudeMax: 1,
    floor: 1,
}).then((places) => {
    // places contain all places in the defined area on floor 1 (and floor outdoor (null))



Get a list of layers

    pick: (Array[String], optional) list of the fields returned by the api, by default all fields are returned
    organizationId: (String, optional) filter by organization
    venueId: (String, optional) filter by venue
    venueAlias: (String, optional) filter by venue
    universeId: (String, optional) filter by universe
    floor: (Number, optional)
    importJob: (Boolean, optional)

    isPublished: (Boolean, optional) true|false|all

    // filter by latitude, you should use both together
    latitudeMin: (Number, optional)
    latitudeMax: (Number, optional)
    // filter by longitude, you should use both together
    longitudeMin: (Number, optional)
    longitudeMax: (Number, optional)

    data.*: (Any, optional) filter result by custom data field
// with empty options
Mapwize.Api.getLayers({}).then((layers) => {
    // layers contain all layers you can access
// In defined area
    latitudeMin: 0,
    latitudeMax: 1,
    longitudeMin: 0,
    longitudeMax: 1,
    floor: 1,
}).then((layers) => {
    // layers contain all layers in the defined area on floor 1 (and floor outdoor (null))

Connector places


Get a list of connectorPlace

    venueId: (String, required) a valid venue id

    pick: (Array[String], optional) list of the fields returned by the api, by default all fields are returned
    floor: (Number, optional)

    isPublished: (Boolean, optional) true|false|all

    // filter by latitude, you should use both together
    latitudeMin: (Number, optional)
    latitudeMax: (Number, optional)
    // filter by longitude, you should use both together
    longitudeMin: (Number, optional)
    longitudeMax: (Number, optional)
// with empty options
    venueId: 'AValidVenueId',
}).then((connectorPlaces) => {
    // connectorPlaces contain all connectorPlaces you can access

// In defined area
    venueId: 'AValidVenueId',
    latitudeMin: 0,
    latitudeMax: 1,
    longitudeMin: 0,
    longitudeMax: 1,
    floor: 1,
}).then((connectorPlaces) => {
    // connectorPlaces contain all connectorPlaces in the defined area on floor 1 (and floor outdoor (null))

Search in places, placeLists and venues, options, callback)


    query: (String)

    organizationId: (String, optional), filter by organization
    venueId: (String, optional), filter by venue
    universeId: (String, optional), filter by universe
    objectClass: (Array[String], optional) can contain ['place', 'placeList', 'venue'] If empty, all type can be returned


// with empty options{
    query: 'what you want to find',
    venueId: 'aValidVenueId',
}).then((results) => {

Custom Mapwize server

If you have your own Mapwize server, specify your api url using:


By defaul the API url is


Mapwize Telemetry reports some details about the map usage in your application so that you can get usage statistics about your maps. Analytics are stored in an anonymous way according to our Privacy Policy. The user location is NEVER logged as part of the Telemetry logged data.

Telemetry is enabled by default but you can deactivate it using Mapwize.isTelemetryEnabled(false).

At the moment, the following events are logged :